TAP Core Builder with Handle


3 in stock

Strengthen and tone your core with the TAP Core Builder featuring a convenient handle for easy grip and stability during workouts. This versatile exercise tool is perfect for improving balance, flexibility, and overall core strength. Elevate your fitness routine with the TAP Core Builder today.


Brand: TAP


  • Strengthen the lower half
  • Strengthen the upper body
  • Increase balance
  • Improve coordination
  • Increase rotational strength and power


Enhance your workout routine with the TAP Core Builder with Handle. This innovative fitness tool by TAP is designed to strengthen both the lower half and upper body, while also improving balance, coordination, and rotational strength and power. With its durable construction and comfortable handle, this core builder provides a versatile and effective way to target multiple muscle groups for a comprehensive workout experience. Elevate your fitness journey with the TAP Core Builder and take your training to the next level.

UPC: 608938927637